

Today is a sunny day!!

But there is a lot Haze outside from Indonesia!

its make me feel not good and
 make me feel moody all the day

One Expert say:

"environment affect emotion"
(ok....that expert actually me)

I am totally agree......with myself,
the haze let me feel outdoor like heaven, with scorched!!
and i do recognize that is first time that i feel wan stay at home.

Base on this serious topic i have to say:
Indonesia government Please pay attention on your duty!!
(but i know its sarcasm from some guys rules by Malaysia government~:D)

Indonesia government are something similar like our government (why?)
there will create some sparkling topic on newspaper.

Singapore complain Indonesia like a kid

Oh no....

even.......some body say:"its a Natural phenomena!"
even......some body says:"The sun burn the forest, not Indonesian!!"
even.....some body says:"Don't act like a kids keep complaining, what you can do?"

I say:

When Tsunami Happened, That is no Haze from Indonesia!!

hehehe....how your think?
quite true is it?

