
Mature not mean how old you are, its your solving skill and standard

a great experience to let me know "Mature"
Yet i am childish with some comparing.
but it always screw up ordinary plan always.

why i will think this?
its have a start for every inspire mind.

a man who is older than me so call "Senior"
are support with some famous athlete.
and i post some word to for accept the truth to face a result.
and this word make that "Senior" piss off
start to insult me on facebook

i believe myself are not worry anything for unreal.
until that "Senior" say something with false but hateful.
i quite uncomfortable on it.

but i'm still talking nice with him
until he say some funny excuse to proof that he's like a young teenage
who crazy with some music band but act like know them very well
and all the information there's know just from magazine or newspaper.

i am an athlete before with 30 fight experience in my previous life
i know what it mean "Only Result" and "Looser Excuse"

i know some people feel hard to accept this kind of truth, cause its not acceptable with some blind follower
and i believe myself 

I am not Super Pro enough for my athlete life, but not mean i dont know warrior spirit 
and those the guys who never enter to the ring but act like know everything for fight


i wont waste my time on argument or justify 
i can proof

he can insult me
but the one he really insulting
its is himself

my student and my friend who care me are asking a same question
"if he come to argue, what you will do?"

i say

"hi, tea or coffee? can i help you?"

"if he wan to have a fight with you?"

"erm....fight with my students can? i am retired ald, after u beat them than you come to me can? i have not that much stamina to entertain you....."


The day i call first time!!

This is a great moment for myself
i'm not a fighter

i'm a trainer

i sent my boys go in to the ring

i have a  mission


Let's my boys fight with their Best!!


Great start for me

Once a time, i wan to be a professional fighter,
Obviously....i can't to be
the main reason that i can't to be it
it is my attitude, i didn't own a pure fighter soul.
fighter need time and sacrifice to get a proper skill
i can't sacrifice my salary
i can't sacrifice my life i always living be.
i can't sacrifice too many thing....but forget what was that already

i believe i can do it again~
sacrifice something to do it again!!