
Mature not mean how old you are, its your solving skill and standard

a great experience to let me know "Mature"
Yet i am childish with some comparing.
but it always screw up ordinary plan always.

why i will think this?
its have a start for every inspire mind.

a man who is older than me so call "Senior"
are support with some famous athlete.
and i post some word to for accept the truth to face a result.
and this word make that "Senior" piss off
start to insult me on facebook

i believe myself are not worry anything for unreal.
until that "Senior" say something with false but hateful.
i quite uncomfortable on it.

but i'm still talking nice with him
until he say some funny excuse to proof that he's like a young teenage
who crazy with some music band but act like know them very well
and all the information there's know just from magazine or newspaper.

i am an athlete before with 30 fight experience in my previous life
i know what it mean "Only Result" and "Looser Excuse"

i know some people feel hard to accept this kind of truth, cause its not acceptable with some blind follower
and i believe myself 

I am not Super Pro enough for my athlete life, but not mean i dont know warrior spirit 
and those the guys who never enter to the ring but act like know everything for fight


i wont waste my time on argument or justify 
i can proof

he can insult me
but the one he really insulting
its is himself

my student and my friend who care me are asking a same question
"if he come to argue, what you will do?"

i say

"hi, tea or coffee? can i help you?"

"if he wan to have a fight with you?"

"erm....fight with my students can? i am retired ald, after u beat them than you come to me can? i have not that much stamina to entertain you....."


The day i call first time!!

This is a great moment for myself
i'm not a fighter

i'm a trainer

i sent my boys go in to the ring

i have a  mission


Let's my boys fight with their Best!!


Great start for me

Once a time, i wan to be a professional fighter,
Obviously....i can't to be
the main reason that i can't to be it
it is my attitude, i didn't own a pure fighter soul.
fighter need time and sacrifice to get a proper skill
i can't sacrifice my salary
i can't sacrifice my life i always living be.
i can't sacrifice too many thing....but forget what was that already

i believe i can do it again~
sacrifice something to do it again!!


a call from long time ago.....

Received a call from one long lost friend

"hey, do u still teaching thai boxing?"
"yeah, i do, why?"
"how the price charges??"
"i charge......bla bla bla"

we start a discussion of that he wan to learn thai boxing from my side.
but here's a thing i wish to share.

5 years ago, he did asking me about this
i believe will have another 5 years he will ask a same question again
5 years ago.... i am just start to fight a national championship

now......i am retired from ring with a lot medal 
and start to fight my career as my life
he still just "asked"


My Result not like Mohammad ali 

or Buakaw


i know i'm not the top yet
but i tried this before
i learn something from this sport
and result can let me satisfaction

i am appreciate that god give me a foolhardy disposition
  straight away to be anything before planning
if not i will like my friends, after 5 years still ask a price
my last word will be 
"i am regret that i never go in to the ring..."

its dangerous, but i learn a lot out of book
it's worth!!

i learn from mistake
study how to improve

if got a chance, i will do that again

repeat again





Fulfill myself everyday!!

Everyday i wake up
i feel myself got a mission

a job

a life

a future

i feel busy
but i'm enjoy to busy
busy will remind me all the time
that i have some dream i need to fulfill
a good husband
a great man
a best me

so people will blame busy make himself timeless 
but i find out a bitter message from experience
you need to sacrifice something to fulfill you target.
but most of us dont like be victim.

most of my friends will try to find some shortcut to be success, and i did too
its not fault, like someone say, this is human nature 
i believe we can learn something from mistake, grow up from some experience

everyone listen this before, but dont know what the exactly action should do in this word


Example: you need to be a good basketball player, but you're not shoot in the basket
so you need to make a schedule to shoot 100 in basket daily.

no matter how busy you are
no matter how tired you are
you set it
you done it
responsible for yourself everyday!!


Why Us???

Dear Robber, can i ask you?
Why choose to be robber?
 it's that the only way you can work on?
Any reason why you work on this?
it is a reason like an old school movie?

"My child are starving!! i need food!"

"I need that money urgently!!"

"My parents don't care me, i can do what i wan!"

ok....i try to accept that is true
May be you think your kids feel comforted having the food buy from robber?
or you think your kids are proud to have a parents like you?
or you think be a robber can make your parents proud?

I can tell what common people like me think about, 
but i think you suppose to know how we think. 
if you still have some... wisdom in your brain. 
you must know common people awareness are growing up
there can fight you back and kick you ass
few failure option that i can show you as below

feel scare? 
than quit!!
or you think no other option
still enjoy be like above


i give you a suggestion
as a robber, an illegal occupation
also need professional

"rob the richest!!"

Why don't you get your money from Malaysia richest??

you know who owned this ring?

Don't know?
(you idiot)

Go and read Newspaper or check you Facebook!!
(No facebook? go back to your cave)

those people are much more richest than us~~!!!
even you only get that ring from them 
your can feed your child and wife whole life
and you can retired any time.

Do you make a research before you start this occupation?
why rob poor people like us?

be professional!!
be a star in robber!!

you can earn a respect from people
if you are really got guts to rob them
 than you can earn the money
that common people can't never earn

Stop to rob us!
Be a professional robber now!



Today is a sunny day!!

But there is a lot Haze outside from Indonesia!

its make me feel not good and
 make me feel moody all the day

One Expert say:

"environment affect emotion"
(ok....that expert actually me)

I am totally agree......with myself,
the haze let me feel outdoor like heaven, with scorched!!
and i do recognize that is first time that i feel wan stay at home.

Base on this serious topic i have to say:
Indonesia government Please pay attention on your duty!!
(but i know its sarcasm from some guys rules by Malaysia government~:D)

Indonesia government are something similar like our government (why?)
there will create some sparkling topic on newspaper.

Singapore complain Indonesia like a kid

Oh no....

even.......some body say:"its a Natural phenomena!"
even......some body says:"The sun burn the forest, not Indonesian!!"
even.....some body says:"Don't act like a kids keep complaining, what you can do?"

I say:

When Tsunami Happened, That is no Haze from Indonesia!!

hehehe....how your think?
quite true is it?